
Based in Manipur, Yelhoumee Pictures is a creative production house with a noble goal to produce quality films that are emphasised on form and content. We are involved in films, videos, animations as well as multiple, cross-platform audio-visual media in the most aesthetic ways. Our main objective is to create responsible films that are of sociopolitical relevance.

We also believe in building a network of filmmakers and other innovative artists at the global level for exchanging ideas and collaboration. Once we called ourselves as One Inch Production but to reflect our mission, it has been renamed and registered officially. ‘Yelhoumee’ in our native language means ‘indigenous’. Yelhoumee Pictures works in diverse areas of promoting films and television programmes, professional photography and shoots, organising events for opinion-makers and experts in the industry and finding means to raise the quality and standards of film and photography.

Sonia Nepram
Sonia Nepram

The brain behind Yelhoumee Pictures

A post-graduate in mass communication from the AJK MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, she has been working on various media and audio-visual projects and has also set up Yelhoumee Pictures to scale newer heights.


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